The NGO Whisperer®

Global Fellowship Programme 2025

The NGO Whisperer® Global Fellowship Programme is an accredited seven-month rigorous virtual leadership programme for exceptional leaders and founders of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and social enterprises worldwide, especially those from low and middle-income countries.

Objectives of the Global Fellowship Programme

  1. To build the capacity of professionals from small and medium-sized Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and Social Enterprises who are already in positions of leadership and influence to further enhance and expand their knowledge, skills, and expertise;
  2. To provide high-impact training, professional development, and cross-cultural opportunities for NGOs and Social Enterprises across the globe especially in low- and middle-income countries;
  3. To create a global community of leaders, influencers, and decision-makers, who are focused on designing and implementing high-impact programmes that contribute building a sustainable world.

Faculty Members

Carolyne A. Opinde Dr.h.c.
Carolyne A. Opinde Dr.h.c.Founder and Convenor
Barry Davis
Barry DavisLeadership Development Instructor
Florence Chikowore
Florence ChikoworeHuman Change Management Instructor
Charles Warria
Charles WarriaMonitoring, Evaluation and Learning Instructor
Sheryl Puterman
Sheryl PutermanHealth and Wellness Instructor
Steve Puterman
Steve PutermanHealth and Wellness Instructor

Important Dates

This is a seven-month rigorous online programme from June to December 2025.

  • Application Opens: 01 January 2025
  • Application Closes: 17 March 2025
  • Recruitment: 18 – 31 March 2025
  • Orientation Ceremony: 31 May 2025
  • Fellowship Programme Starts: 01 June 2025
  • Fellowship Programme Ends: 19 December 2025
  • Graduation Ceremony: 28 February 2026

What To Expect

  • One-on-one online tailored mentorship and leadership coaching;
  • Online masterclasses with highly skilled faculty;
  • All access pass to The NGO Whisperer® Global Summit in 2025;
  • Access to The NGO Whisperer® Global Community and alumni network.
  • Feature on The NGO Whisperer® Magazine and Podcast.

2024 Fellows

Abaasi Ruhweza
Abaasi RuhwezaDirector of Programmes, Centre for Development Outreaches Africa, Uganda
Adrian Cyprian Katesigwa
Adrian Cyprian KatesigwaFounder and CEO, Elimu Dunia na Mazingira, Tanzania
Alaa Alsaeed
Alaa AlsaeedDoctoral Student, The University of Queensland, Australia
Amor Das
Amor DasMonitoring and Evaluation Officer, Association For Alternative Development (AFAD), Bangladesh
Basilia Nanbigne
Basilia NanbigneExecutive Secretary, Ghana Coalition of NGOs in the Water and Sanitation Sector (CONIWAS), Ghana
Bhudeb Chandra Roy
Bhudeb Chandra Roy Central Monitoring Officer, Mahideb Jubo Somaj Kallayan Somity (MJSKS), Bangladesh
Chris Eksteen
Chris EksteenChief Operations Officer, Cape Leopard Trust, South Africa
Evelyn H. Chijarira
Evelyn H. ChijariraFounder and CEO, United We Change Lives, Tanzania
Helen Jane Altshul
Helen Jane AltshulFormer Chief Executive Officer, RefuSHE, Kenya
Hussain Makanjuola
Hussain MakanjuolaExecutive Director, Muslim Peace Network (MPN), Nigeria
Isaiah Namunyu Khasiani
Isaiah Namunyu KhasianiDirector, Foundation for Healthier Families CBO, Kenya
Kalimalwayo S. Mwakasungula
Kalimalwayo S. MwakasungulaExecutive Director, Small-Scale Livestock and Livelihoods Programme, Malawi
Komala Pillay
Komala PillayChief Executive Officer, Citizen Leader Lab, South Africa
Dr. Loveth Iyonawan
Dr. Loveth IyonawanFounder and Executive Director, Ultimate Tenderhelp Foundation, Nigeria
Margaret Kojusola
Margaret KojusolaPublic Health Researcher and Co-Founder, CELADE Community Health and Empowerment, Nigeria
Mmatsetshweu R. Motaung
Mmatsetshweu R. MotaungDirector, Training and Resources in Early Education, South Africa
Mussa John Masongo
Mussa John MasongoProgramme Manager, Tanzania Home Economics Organisation Mwanza, Tanzania
Nomatlou J. Mahlangu
Nomatlou J. MahlanguManaging Director, Golden Youth Club, South Africa
Md. Rafiqul Islam
Md. Rafiqul IslamProject Coordinator, Association For Alternative Development (AFAD), Bangladesh
Rebecca Ssanyu
Rebecca SsanyuExecutive Director, Pacem Havens Foundation, Uganda
Sachin Chandra Sarker
Sachin Chandra SarkerConsortium Coordinator, Mahideb Jubo Somaj Kallayan Somity (MJSKS), Bangladesh
Saida Ansari
Saida AnsariProject Supervisor, Association For Alternative Development (AFAD), Bangladesh
Sayda Yesmin
Sayda YesminChief Executive, Association For Alternative Development (AFAD), Bangladesh
Shreejita Das
Shreejita DasProgramme Manager, Project Udaan Koru Foundation, India
Shyamal Chandra Sarker
Shyamal Chandra SarkerDirector, Mahideb Jubo Somaj Kallayan Somity (MJSKS), Bangladesh
Shyamal Chandra Sarker
Shyamal Chandra SarkerDeputy Director, Mahideb Jubo Somaj Kallayan Somity (MJSKS), Bangladesh
Tracy Constant
Tracy ConstantHead of Organisation, Releasing Eagles, South Africa
Ts'epang Joel Matsietsa
Ts'epang Joel MatsietsaProgramme Manager, Lesotho Association of Non-Formal Education, Lesotho
Vaishali Bhaskar Pai
Vaishali Bhaskar PaiFounder and Director, Tamahar Trust, India
Dr. Venticia Hukom
Dr. Venticia HukomManaging Director, Kaleka, Indonesia
Vusumuzi Ndlovu
Vusumuzi NdlovuFounder, Perez Consultancy & UVFT, Zimbabwe
Wendy Elizabeth Lessing
Wendy Elizabeth LessingDirector, Khululeka Grief Support, South Africa

2023 Fellows

Ajay Namdev Gade
Ajay Namdev GadeCo-Founder, Rural Health Progress Trust, India
Brittney Myburgh
Brittney MyburghBusiness Development Manager, TEARS Foundation, South Africa
Charlene Roberson
Charlene RobersonBusiness Development and Marketing Manager, Safer City, South Africa
Christopher Oshungboye
Christopher OshungboyeFounder and CEO, Brookfield Kare Charity Organisation, Nigeria
Diana Byali
Diana ByaliExecutive Director, Giving Hope Foundation, Uganda
Dorcas Mukoshy Ingosi
Dorcas Mukoshy IngosiExecutive Director, Binti Africa Transformational Organization (BATO), Kenya
Eve Mapanda
Eve MapandaDirector, Africa Healing Foundation, United Kingdom
Halumba Munachonga
Halumba MunachongaFounder and Executive Director, Ndola Nutrition Organisation, Zambia
James Menu Sumo Jr.
James Menu Sumo Jr.Deputy Director, Eco-Energy Liberia Inc., Liberia
Luyando Muchimba
Luyando MuchimbaPresident and Co-Founder, The YANA (You Are Not Alone) Foundation, Zambia
Neil Kerfoot
Neil Kerfoot Chief Executive, Village by Village, Ghana and United Kingdom
Nomzamo Bongongiphayo Gcwensa
Nomzamo Bongongiphayo GcwensaFounder and Managing Director, B.E.A.R Foundation, South Africa
Raul Maza Hernandez
Raul Maza HernandezDirector, Red de Cooperación Internacional Mexicana, Mexico
Sabita Pun
Sabita PunShelter Manager, Our Sansar, Nepal and United Kingdom
Salah Aldeen Abdo Hasan Abdullah
Salah Aldeen Abdo Hasan AbdullahExecutive Manager, Nabd Development and Evolution Organization, Yemen
Shyamala Yasoja Gomez
Shyamala Yasoja GomezExecutive Director, Centre for Equality and Justice, Sri Lanka
Sindrela Jacquline Akite aka 'Cindy Okullo'
Sindrela Jacquline Akite aka 'Cindy Okullo'Founder and Executive Director, Enable Motherhood Uganda (EMU), Uganda
Yvonne Musabyimana
Yvonne MusabyimanaFounder and Executive Director, Strive for Inclusion Rwanda NGO, Rwanda

2022 Fellows

Catherine Kakolo Mongella
Catherine Kakolo MongellaFounder & Executive Director, Action for Women Organization, Tanzania
Chinelo Bridget Enukora
Chinelo Bridget EnukoraExecutive Director, Unstoppable Builders Initiative, Nigeria
Clifford Legodi
Clifford LegodiChief Operations Officer, Southern Africa Youth Project, South Africa
Creseldah Cassandra Ndlovu
Creseldah Cassandra NdlovuFounder, Creseldah Educational Foundations, South Africa
Dudu Mary Dube
Dudu Mary DubePresident and CEO, Marydee Isibuko Serenity Foundation (MISF), Eswatini and South Africa
Emmanuel Gift Mulangeni
Emmanuel Gift MulangeniExecutive Director, Kulima Kotsogola 2223, Malawi
Doreen Kajuju Kimathi
Doreen Kajuju KimathiCoordinator, Widows Empowerment Initiative for Africa, Kenya
Lilian Wanjiru Kamigwi
Lilian Wanjiru KamigwiCo-Founder, Destiny Shapers, Kenya
Philip Jeremiah Lugogobe
Philip Jeremiah LugogobeDirector, DOZA Inc., Uganda
Nancy Matimba Mdaka
Nancy Matimba MdakaMarketing Manager, Southern Africa Youth Project, South Africa
Rachel Emily Warnick
Rachel Emily WarnickPresident & Co-Founder, Nature Ocean Indien, Mauritius
Silverio Wafula Mukinisu
Silverio Wafula MukinisuProgramme Coordinator, Child Rescue Kenya, Kenya
Susan Leslie Hill
Susan Leslie HillDirector, iKhaya le Themba Project, South Africa
Sylvia Kavere Amuguni
Sylvia Kavere AmuguniConstable, National Police Service Kenya, Kenya
Yael Uzan-Tidhar
Yael Uzan-TidharProgramme Director, Nhloso Likusasa Le'lichakazile, Eswatini

2021 Fellows

Dr. Bukirwa Irene Kamara
Dr. Bukirwa Irene KamaraFounder and CEO, Young Global Entrepreneurs, South Africa
Edwin Gitau Kibe
Edwin Gitau KibeProgramme Director, United by Health and Agriculture Improvement, Kenya
Kseniya Filinova-Bruton
Kseniya Filinova-BrutonCEO, Educape Trust, South Africa and Russia
Florah Nkatha Mugao
Florah Nkatha MugaoFounder and Director, Frolics of Hope Africa, Kenya
Janice Loraine Parks
Janice Loraine ParksFounder and Executive Director, DOZA Inc., United States and Africa
Dr. Veronica (Nikki) de Pina
Dr. Veronica (Nikki) de PinaFounder and Chief Executive, Global Peace Let's Talk, United Kingdom
Elfas Mcloud Zadzagomo Shangwa
Elfas Mcloud Zadzagomo ShangwaFounder, Farmers Pride International, Botswana
Victoria Lynn Rose
Victoria Lynn RoseBoard of Directors, Tree of Life Ministries Spanish America, Honduras and United States
Mpho Adelaide Plaatjie
Mpho Adelaide PlaatjieFounder and Project Manager, Ithemba Mentorship and Development, South Africa
Grace Njeri Wanjohi
Grace Njeri WanjohiFounder and CEO, Integrity Support Services Limited, Kenya
Wilfred Wanjala Kusienya
Wilfred Wanjala KusienyaProject Coordinator, Ethel Foundation for the Aged, Kenya